Dear Family and Friends;
It is Katie’s 16th birthday and that also means that this year will mark 16 years in Haiti for us. We are so thankful for Katie and would love it if you would send her a birthday greeting as she turns 16 (Feb 5th).

We’ve had a few months without visitors, so it is great to have teams coming again. Last week, together with a team from Michigan, we did a wedding for 28 couples and a camp for about 150 young people.

More than 2300 children came to Renault Sunday school at Christmas and they all received some very nice gifts.

It was a huge distribution which took about 4 hours, so we were really thankful for the help from Deb’s English class, who are also part of our volleyball club.

We also held a special day of activities for the young people in our volleyball club. They divided up into 4 teams and competed in many events including tug o war,

Timed team Toyota push,

High Jump

Anytime we have work projects we have a great crew of young people from our volleyball club who are ready and willing to work.

Our long time employees Roro and Nadair are learning carpentry and woodworking and they are doing great. We are planning to make 200 of these chairs, Lord willing, to replace our rusted folding chairs. The chairs stack together and are made out of local Haitian cedar.

Thank you for your continued partnership as we begin this new year. We truly appreciate your prayers and support.
Bye for now,
Love Rod, Deb and Katie