Camp Starts for Prize Winning Bible Club Kids

Dear praying friends,

Warm greetings from Johnstown, Ohio.  Hope you are well and enjoying the special opportunities of the summer.

I came here to Ohio from Haiti, safe and sound, June 6, and have enjoyed catching up with my parents and family for a few weeks. I’ve  had very good medical reports and have been able to travel to visit and share Haiti news with a few of my support team friends.


Eleven of our Bible club kids have started camp there in  Haiti.

We’d love to send all the clubbers, but the camp has limited bunk beds. We could only send the clubbers who had the highest scores in participation and reciting their verses.  Those going this week are the younger clubbers, ages 10-14 who will be at camp July 22-26.  Eight older teens will be able to attend a camp session for teens, 14-18 years, August 4-9.

Many of the clubbers are from families who don’t know the Lord. We pray that the camping experience will be a good testimony to their families as well.

We pray for a safe and healthy week for all, and great experiences of learning from God in a fun camp setting. The camp leaders have asked for our prayers too.


June 15 we had a family meeting here at my parents’ home, with an attorney from a local development company. The families had been prayerfully considering selling the farm  land for several months, but didn’t know the company would want to purchase the home and land of my parents, and the adjoining properties and homes of my siblings, Bill and Nan, and their families as well. All three households decided to sell. The decisions were clear, but the emotions come and go as they reflect on the years of rich memories and God’s rich blessings, since 1971 when my parents first moved here.

This has been a special family setting. In 1984 my parents finished building their current home on the edge of the woods, a bit to the south. That same year, Bill and Claudia were married and purchased my parents’ first country home. Nan and Jim were able to re-locate to Columbus with Jim’s job from Washington DC. They built a home next to Bill and family and moved in there in 2000. It’s been very special living close to each other,growing up together and enjoying the beautiful country.

Pray with us as we seek a good home for my parents – one which doesn’t need much maintenance, and a good housing possibility for Jim and Nan and family who have offered to live close by to help my parents as needed. My parents need to be out of their home by the end of the year, and the others, 6 months later.

I’ll be returning to Haiti, Lord willing, July 31, and I am looking to spend some time in Ohio later this fall to help my parents with their move.

Thank you for the help of your prayers,

Beth   “Innovative teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the Gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go.”

God’s work among the children of Torbeck

Dear praying friends,

Today is the final day of Bible club  for this school year in Torbeck. Great joy and excitement!

God has sent many blessings, and I thank you for being part of God’s work with us as you have prayed with us.

Twenty of the 150 children have excelled in a contest, reciting Bible verses, attending club and doing homework papers, and are offered a week (actually 5 days) of summer camp organized by Child Evangelizm of south Haiti. Children ages 10-14 will attend July 22-26  and teens, ages 15-19, will attend August 5-9.

God sent us 19 helpers this year from among the adults and youth of the Torbeck church!  Below you can see them meeting for training with Vionel, our friend and CEF worker.


Pray with us for the children of Torbeck who have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Many come from homes where family members don’t share their faith.


With joy and thankfulness,


Ps. If you’d like to sponsor a child for camp, let me know. It would be a good help.

Pps: Lord willing I will be departing Haiti June 6  for a time of medical check-ups, visits, and reporting. Hope to see many of  you.