Another request for prayer for God’s wisdom and direction of the stumbling Haitian Donkey

Hi All:
Several weeks ago, Tom Failing and I came home from Haiti after a good trip, just punctuated by an episode of developing a severe neck strain at the end that has proven to be as stubborn as the Haitian Donkey himself at going away quietly. Thanks to the ministrations of several of my colleagues, it is very much improved and I am looking forward to the day it is gone for good. It has slowed me down, driving is difficult as the whole body has to turn at the waist, also a bit tough to examine patients, plus even the weight of my ever present “lunch back pack” on my shoulders causes pain, when it never really has in the 3 years we have been pretty much inseparable. Have not slept in bed yet, just in the recliner, but hopefully soon that will change.

The next week, I underwent the 8th session of immunotherapy. As they increase the dose each time, it makes me feel a bit fatigued, achy everywhere and nausea, so that added to the fun for the week. However, that Friday, I spiked a temperature of 103 plus so really could not blame that on the above two situations and have a central line infection again. It is Staph hemolyticus, a stubborn bug that is resistant to most antibiotics. On the advice of my PCP, I started on a newish, potent antibiotic, but after 5 days, progress was mighty slow, even for a Haitian Donkey pace. Repeat cultures came back this morning and, after consultation with my infectious disease friend, I have switched again and we are planning on changing my central line over a wire early next week. Not optimal situations, but I don’t have a lot of options open, so would greatly appreciate prayer that the Great Physician would intervene on our behalf and allow me to get back on my feet and work properly.

I am very thankful that Duane and Dr. Jim Webb are in Haiti holding down the fort (as well as keeping our other issues in line). I am scheduled to go on 8th of September with Evert and need to get my strength up, plus am trying to organize a short vacation for Dr. Moise in the interim, as he has been working hard at keeping the hospital going and we all feel he would benefit from a break for a couple weeks.

So, would appreciate extra prayer for wisdom in doing what the Lord would have me to do in the next few days, as well as those doctors trying to keep the stumbling Haitian Donkey on his wobbly feet. I also am scheduled to undergo session #9 of immunotherapy Monday, though doubt they will be able to do that at least this soon. As always, we appreciate your encouragement, prayer and support in the difficult situations we face as we serve Him here and in Haiti.

Bill, Karen, Rachel, James and Jenn Ten Haaf