Update from Haiti


Our plane to Haiti was delayed 5 hours so we did not get to the hospital until 9:30pm.  Luke has done many surgeries so far and referrals for future doctor’s. Many unexpected maintenance issues as always, but almost all fixed and preventive list completed. I have 8 Haitians working on various projects, one we are adding a 16 foot extension onto the Renault Sunday school today so we pre-cut everything for Duane’s group so they can construct it today. I also have 3 big projects here at the hospital and hopefully will be completing them today. If you’re wondering why I’m sending this in the morning it’s because last night was quite interesting for me. I was talking to my wife and son on Google chat and had an itch on my leg, touched it and blood sprayed across the room. A varicose vein ruptured! I managed to put pressure on it and found a first aid kit in the other room. The next hour I cleaned up blood that sprayed everywhere. Luke came back from his walk and decided to wait till today to do surgery on it so he had help, I will go last making sure the Haitians are taken care of first. In the states they would do Laser, but here they will cut and rip them out, looking forward to that; NOT. So, I am on light duty for the rest of my trip, pray my surgery goes well. I’m going to scrub in and help, they said I could do some stitches.

Bye for now

Jeff & Dr. Luke