One Month Later

Dear family and friends;

Thank you so much for your prayers and emails. We have been lifted up by the encouragement and of family and friends over the past month. We have started clearing out and piling up some of the sand that Hurricane Matthew brought into the camp.

The large relief organization, Samaritan’s purse has asked to use Camp Mahanaim as their base for operations so they have moved in with us. The helicopter lands often on the soccer field.

Trucks and containers full of food and supplies fill the yard.

Thanks to great teams from Michigan and Missouri, the camp is back in pretty good shape and we have also been able to help many Haitians around us. We have done numerous medical clinics in several locations.

Deb and Katie have become great medical translators.

We have also been able to do many distributions including to some remote locations who haven’t had any help since the hurricane.

Thankfully the donkeys carried the supplies.

The devastation up near the tops of the mountains was unbelievable.

This church at Liktor village collapsed just as the village people were going to enter it for shelter. Thankfully nobody had entered yet when it fell.

The people were truly thankful for tarps and food.

Thanks so much for standing with us at this time and for showing your love and care for us and for the Haitian people. We are looking forward to a little rest this coming week, Lord willing.

We sure appreciate your prayers,

bye for now,

Love Rod, Deb and Katie