The Haitian Donkey is back in Pittsburgh, then Haiti

Hi All:

I thought I should send an update to help sort out some of the craziness that has crept into our lives the last few weeks. We underwent the last treatment in Pittsburgh on September 23 through the 30th, it seemed to go better than the previous one and the weekend seemed better, only a bit of vomiting, fever and chills. I was able to work Monday through Wednesday, though I wasn’t as perky as I wanted to be, just figured it was the combination of the chemo and the anemia wearing me down some. However, Wednesday through Sunday I developed increasing amounts of fever, chills, nausea and retching. I tried malaria and antibiotic treatments, and, after 2 days of no progress, ended up in the ER and Blodgett Hospital for 6 days with E. coli sepsis, the source never was found, but, by the grace of God, with a blast of antibiotics, I improved and am feeling my old self again, though a bit more anemic as they took almost a unit of blood out of me with daily blood cultures and other draws.

Thankfully, I was able to work last week, as well as organizing our team who will accompany Dr. Luke, Micah, Tabitha, Karen and I on the 5th of November. We now have a team of 6 builder/construction types as well as several support staff to try to find food and prepare it for our week there. As all the animals and crops have been washed out to sea with the hurricane, we will bring along most of our supplies, including food and tools as well as (hopefully) a number of water filters to pass out, as cholera is a significant threat to the survivors of the flooding. This is requiring considerable planning on the part of Karen and Kathy, trying to feed 14 people with limited supplies for a week. I think we may be eating a bit different than other times, but I am sure it will be good food and when we consider what our Haitian brothers and sisters likely don’t have to eat, we will thank the Lord for whatever we receive from His bountiful hand.

We also are thankful that Kurt Kooinga was able to replace Dave Weener, who was unable to get a week off from his job, to complement out team. Tom Failing and I will try to get the tickets switched in the next couple days. We also are going to try to see if American will allow up two bags each, at least out of Grand Rapids for the 6 of us leaving from there, as we have a bunch of stuff to bring along, doesn’t hurt to ask. Dan, Duane and my brother Butch have been repairing what they can at the hospital and starting to help the employees who have lost their roofs from the hurricane. They and their Haitian crew have been able to repair some, have obtained a bunch of tarps from Samaritan’s Purse to cover others and our team will continue the repair process. Many of the people have so little to start with and this blow only discourages them further. Pray that we will be able to help a number of them with their houses and that Drs. Jo (Psych), Luke and I in surgery as well as Tabitha helping in the OR, will be able to alleviate some of their suffering.

I again apologize for my rambling style, but wanted to get an update out, especially for prayer for God’s wisdom and direction, as well as health and strength for the teams leaving Haiti this week (Butch’s church team and Dan and Duane) as well as those of us heading out soon (Dr. Jon Roberts will have a team to help the Wrays at camp, as well as doing some medical treatments while we are at the hospital).

As always, we appreciate your encouragement of our ministry for Him in Haiti.

Bill, Karen and the Haiti Team